You can watch our program, “Waters in the Desert” on the following networks!
Sunday @ 10:00 a.m. Central California
Sunday @ 9:00 a.m. Fresno, CA.
Sunday @ 9:00 a.m. Bakersfield, CA.
- Tuesdays @ 6:30 a.m on KXLA CH. 44 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA REGION
( search for "Prophetic Glory" for the channel in your area)
- Roku Channel https://roku.frontlayer.com/add/propheticglorytv
- 24/7 streaming on Prophetic Glory TV https://www.propheticgloryministries.com/propheticglorytv
Partner with us as we saturate the regions with the Word and the Spirit of God!
For partnership information please contact us @ (951) 392-2023. God bless you!
Hoodie Drive AND Tell-A-Vision Outreach FUNDRAISER!
Reaching beyond our city, state and country with the WORD & Spirit of God.
You can be a part by sharing this post, praying for our mission and of course, donating towards our cause. Whatever your part-Thank you so much for believing in our vision!
Hoodie Drive!
500 GOALl!
We are preparing to bless children in need with a hoodie.
If you'd like to sponsor a child or a few you can do so by donating $5 or more per hoodie.
Our immediate goal is to bless 500 kids. ( Locally as well as Tijuana, BC. Mexico)
We have supplied our local "My Youth Center, an Anza school and a San Jacinto school with sponsorships)
We were pleased when informed that prior to our donation of hoodies the children were attending school with no jacket! But now have one. :)
Thank you sponsors!
By text: 951-382-6021
Venmo @Prophetic-Glory
Check/money order
Prophetic Glory Ministries
P.O.Box 1693
San Jacinto, CA 92581
Thank you!
travel ministry
Along with the pastoral call, Pastor Gloria carries a prophetic anointing on her life. As doors open unto her, she travels to other ministries and brings a fresh flow of the Holy Ghost. The Body of Christ is refreshed with a NOW WORD from the Lord as well as an impartation of His anointing.
Lives are changed, delivered and challenged to come up another level in HIs Spirit. Her strong delivery provokes the hearer to a "Passionate Pursuit of His Presence".
Enjoy the messages provided for you as they give you a taste of God's movement on this ministry. Be blessed!
word training
Our Word Training Center Program is a 1-3 year Biblical Studies Correspondence Program.
It suits as a foundation for new believers as well as a solid ministerial prep for those called to the ministry.
A Word from our Pastor/Instructor is provided for you. A complete list of our curriculum is available upon request.
Thank you for taking time to familiarize yourself with our program. Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.
link arms
LINK ARMS Pastoral & Leadership is a networking of leaders within the Body of Christ. It was birthed by Pastor Gloria Muniz and has been given shape through the support, participation and collaboration of fellow ministers and colleagues.
After coming across the tragic news on social media of several pastors suffering severe depression and ending their lives, pastor Gloria’s heart was grieved. “Lord, these are your servants, what can be done to prevent something like this from happening again?”, was her cry.
She took her grief and concern to the Lord in prayer. She began to ask other ministers about their need for conferences, gatherings, fellowship, etc. The need was great and apparently unmet.
Our first LINK ARMS conference in June of this year (2019) proved to be the refreshing, encouraging and networking we needed.
We made new friends and re-connected with others we had not seen in quite some time.
We look forward to more times of precious fellowship and empowerment!
“Let’s LINKARMS and finish our race together”